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  • Join our Crew / Talent Roster

    You can sign up to become notified of upcoming student projects.

  • Join our Discord Community

    The one and only official Discord Server and best method of communication for Film Club Members and Film Majors at SMC.

  • Some Commonly Asked Questions

    Have something on your mind? Not sure of where to go. Check out our FAQ page and feel free to reach out if your question hasn’t been answered yet.

  • Sideways image of a SONY Camera

    Resources for Filmmakers

    Find resources to create your next project. From templates, articles, blogs, books, and videos, find what you need to get started.

  • Internship / Job Opportunities

    Looking for internship credits? Need a new gig as a runner? We’ve created a database of entry-level jobs and internships.

  • Find Student Projects to Join

    Still need more volunteer practice? Find other student projects here and reach out to join their crew.

  • Recommended Reading List

    Want to learn more about history of Disney Animation? Maybe need a quick refresher on script formatting?
    Check out the recommended reading list below

  • Recommended Classes at SMC

    Interested in seeing what classes are recommended for a Director? Looking to sharpen your producing skills in the Business Department? Check out our list of recommended classes per career track

  • Student Project Submission Form

    Simply fill out the form below with as much detail as you possibly can. You do not have to submit your full script however we do recommend submitting a beat sheet, brief outline, or story bible.

“I realized what interested me as a student of film was one thing and the movies that I liked were another.”

- Sam Raimi