Internship / Job Database

Looking for professional opportunities to show off your skills? Looking to build your experience?
We’re going to be posting a variety of internship and entry-level opportunities below.

“I always thought that’s the wonderful thing about filmmaking: people see things differently.”

— Thelma Schoonmaker

Check out the Career Services Center!

The Career Services family is here to help you on your path to success. Whether you are undecided about your major/career or know exactly where you want to end up, the Career Services Center is a great place to start.

A variety of resources and programs are available to help you explore options and gain real-world experience. We look forward to meeting you (virtually!).  If you have questions, feel free to contact us directly by phone (310) 434-4337 or email

“Filmmaking is a miracle of collaboration.”

— James McAvoy