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In a time of dominant costumed franchises and postmodern experiments with lots of flash and little substance, renegade critics Alci Rengifo and Sebastian Carrasco break the 180 of the current cinema landscape. They assess the latest releases and revive forgotten yet great titles from decades past, reaping what they sow in the process. No topic is off limit, no franchise is safe. Let weary travelers rest a spell for some engaging conversations and basking in a shared love for the defining medium of our time.

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Podcast Reviews

  • A friend recommended this podcast to me at work and it’s made my commute go by so smoothly. Listening to these guys is like entering an intellectual wonderland of film history, recommendations, debates and cultural criticism. Lots of fun for the casual movie lover and for film students! Really cool balance.


  • "These guys are passionate, articulate, and knowledgeable, a wonderful combination in a time where dimwitted “pundits” operate on the basis of tiresome sound bites. Can’t wait for future “Breaking the 180” episodes… BRAVO, highly recommended!"

    From FilmAgnostic

  • "I love these guys. They are funny, insightful and a pleasure to listen to."

    From ikkyu1974

  • Breaking the 180 looks at movies and cinema history in a fresh and insightful way you just don’t get in other film podcasts. The Halloween episode in particular is a fun look at international horror films that you wouldn’t hear about in most movie commentary. The hosts are also dynamic and always engaging to listen to. They have a personal touch that’s smart but not pretentious.
