Find Student Projects

We know students are interested in getting more experience. So we’ve set up this database to consolidate all student projects in one place. The only thing we ask is that you do not share this database with any persons outside of Santa Monica College.

We’ve built this database specifically for SMC students and would like to keep it for only SMC Students and SMC Alumni.

*Please note that this list is updated in real-time so please check back frequently as more projects are added.


Why this list?

So every semester we run into the same problem with members where students are looking for production experience, need assistance with their own projects and have no place to go because they

A. Haven’t made any meaningful connections with peers

B. Are still too new at SMC or are barely starting the film industry

So we at Film Club decided to set up a place where students can find projects to join in and post their projects for others to find. It goes without saying for a student project however that this is all volunteer work however we encourage aspiring producers and filmmakers to connect. If you need any assistance with this, please contact the Film Club Leadership here.


Most Common Asked Questions

  • Answer: Of course! That is exactly what this database is for. No one is expecting professional-level quality however we do ask that you act with professionalism and integrity.

    These projects and who gets to be a part of them are completely up to the decision of the submitter. Film Club only provides this platform so that you are free to look at what’s available.

    You are responsible for outreaching to projects you are interested in and making efforts to introduce yourself or learn more about the project.

    Projects are up to the submitter’s discretion and may be removed or updated without notice. So check back frequently as more projects are added in.

  • Answer: So when you fill out the student project submission form, there is a section where you can checkmark which roles you need.

    We didn’t put amounts there because each project is different however if you select “Other” you can indicate how many cast or crew members you need specifically in your project.

    In addition, we recommend attaching your script breakdowns or list of the cast with your submission as well.

    If you find you have too many folks volunteering for one specific role, it’ll be up to you to select the best person. Just email the film club as soon as possible to update your submission once you have select roles filled and we will update the database.

    Submit Your Student Project: Student Project Submission Form

    Email SMC Film Club

  • Answer: So the answer typically is “if you don’t own it, don’t touch it.” Even if you are a student, a song, music composition piece, or even characters do not belong to you. So to avoid getting sued, just try to use original works.

    However, because you are a student, you have more flexibility in getting the rights to a piece of a song or musical composition because they’re more likely to offer student pricing.

    You’ll need to investigate or inquire with the respecting music clearinghouse or studio for more info on this with regards to their policy.

    Just don’t expect miracles or pity because every day someone emails them about their music.