Purchase Tickets Here, starting at $5: https://www.academymuseum.org/en/programs/detail/capote-01948a67-3bdd-3d96-00d6-61d856561a9f
Philip Seymour Hoffman’s uncanny performance as Truman Capote earned the quintessential character actor a Best Actor Oscar for this thoughtful biopic. Focused on the years Capote spent researching his bestselling “nonfiction novel” In Cold Blood, the film was a labor of love for Hoffman and two of his old friends, director Bennett Miller and actor-turned-screenwriter Dan Futterman, who were both nominated for their contributions. The film also received nominations for Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress for Catherine Keener’s subtle performance as Harper Lee, Capote’s childhood friend. The outstanding supporting cast includes Chris Cooper, Bruce Greenwood, and Clifton Collins Jr.
Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation.
2005 | 114 min | USA | Color | English | Rated R | 35mm
DIRECTED BY: Bennett Miller
WRITTEN BY: Dan Futterman
WITH: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, Clifton Collins Jr., Chris Cooper