Articles Page

Looking for additional research, advice or help? The Film Club has got you covered! We’ve amassed a wide collection of helpful articles and blog pages that have helped us with our film projects. Take a look below:


So how is it organized?

So for the past three and half years, we’ve been collecting, bookmarking and saving links to some of the most helpful articles and blog pages we’ve seen in our film career. These links have saved our butts on class assignments and on various projects and are organized by category and topic.

Ideation / Development

Some topics included:

  • Pitch Decks & Pitching

  • Proof of Concept Examples

  • Copyright Infringement

  • Creativity Exercises

  • Character Development


Some topics included:

  • Script Formatting

  • Writing Software Tips

  • Genre Advice

Marketing / Distribution / Branding

Some topics included:

  • Marketing Strategy

  • Social Media Advice

  • Branding


Finance & Fundraising

Some topics included:

  • Indie Filmmaking

  • Lessons Learned

  • Tips & Tricks for Fundraising

Planning / Pre-Production

Some topics included:

  • Project Management

  • Scheduling

  • Crew / Team Building


Some topics included:

  • Filmmaking Tips

  • Art Design

  • Cinematography


Some topics included:

  • Workflow Tips & Tricks

  • Video Editing Hacks

  • Animation

Career & Networking Advice

Some topics included:

  • Pitching Yourself

  • Personal Branding

  • Networking Tips

Click below to see list of article/blogs

“I think everything that you do, you’re learning. I mean, every movie that you make is like a film school; that’s one of the things that I enjoy about filmmaking.” - Peter Jackson